Given one or more string variables containing date information, datefix converts the variables to numeric encoded variables with a date format. If the newvar() option is used, only one variable can be used in the command. The program does not accommodate date-time values, only dates.
If you installed the old -datefix- code that didn’t use a .pkg or -net install-, run this first:
. capture erase `"`c(sysdir_plus)'/datefix.ado"'
To install run the following code:
. net install datefix, from("") replace
The syntax for this command is: datefix varlist [, newvar(string) drop df(date %fmt) order(string) topyear(integer)]
See help file for more information on options.
Current Version: 2.0 (31 March 2023)
-massdesas- will generate .dta versions of all .sas7bdat files within a specified directory and all sub-directories. Options exist to erase .sas7bdat file after generating the .dta file, and to make all variable names lowercase.
-fs- is required to run -massdesas-
To install -fs- first:
. ssc install fs
To install run the following code (.pkg coming soon):
. copy "" `"`c(sysdir_plus)'/massdesas.ado"', public replace
. copy "" `"`c(sysdir_plus)'/massdesas.sthlp"', public replace
Facilitates the transfer of installed Stata packages between computers or Stata installations. It offers two primary modes of operation: online and offline.
Online Mode without options: 'pkgtransfer' generates a do-file containing the necessary 'net install', 'ssc install', or 'github install' commands to replicate the package installation on a new machine with internet access.
Offline Mode: 'pkgtransfer' downloads all package files and creates both a local installation script ('') and a ZIP archive (''). This enables package installation on machines without internet access. See help file for more details.
To install run the following code:
. net install pkgtransfer, from("") replace
The syntax for this command is: pkgtransfer [, download limited(string)]
Current Version: 2.0 (19December 2024)
Formats the collected regression tables; exports point estimate, 95% CI, and p-value to excel; and applies excel formatting (column widths, merges cells, sets column widths). Title appears in cell A1. Top left cell of table is B2.
To install run the following code:
. net install regtab, from("") replace
The syntax for this command is: regtab, xlsx(string) sheet(string) [models(string) coef(string) title(string)]
See help file for more information on options.
Current Version: 1.0 (7 March 2024)
Set global macros with today's date and current time, with customizable formatting.
To install run the following code:
. net install today, from("") replace
The syntax for this command is: today [, df(string) tsep(string) hm from(string) to(string)]
See help file for more information on options.
Current Version: 1.0 (19 December 2024)